Here is the list of my own published collections, projects, and some journals and anthologies that have included my work.
Contact me if you would like a copy of any of my own books or click on the link
November 2014
a second poetry collection, from Cultured Llama Press
______________________________________ March 2014
'Malta Child' tales of a childhood in the 1950s
available from : - all stories listed separately on this site
August 2012
How do women cope with war ? Whether they are wives, daughters, lovers, mothers or mistresses, they suffer and celebrate on the sidelines. These stories explore the experience of women among warriors in a wide range of settings - from myth to Roman and Renaissance history, from World War II to the present day.
'Once more Vivien Jones shares her sympathy for women whose sense of themselves is either damaged or strengthened by what they endure. These are stories that follow unflinchingly the narrative of the heart' Tom Pow.
available from Pewter Rose Press
Pewter Rose Press 2010 short stories on women & weight : a first full collection
First poetry collection 2010 Indigo Dreams Press
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a first chapbook on renaissance themes a second chapbook Selkirk Lapwing Press 2006 Two Beans Press 2008 erbacce press 2008
performance texts from collaborative projects with musicians, Michael Hendry, Rebecca Hendry & Richard Jones
'Tree' 2009 new writing and music on 'Making Waves' 2007 wood, trees and "Tree' the forest new writing and music on rivers and the sea
collaborations with other writers and artists, Jean Atkin, Jackie Galley & Fiona Russell
.....some of the anthologies
Clockworks,Glasgow 2012 POTB 2012 - top quality Riptide - 2013 Dirt Pie Press writing for train journey magazine, Aberdeen on childhood
Cargo Press 2012 - writers in Red Squirrel Press 2012 Scotland for tsunami victims in Japan
Unbound Press 2012 ASLS 2011 New Writing Scotland 29
Wigtown Women's Walk 2011 Haven Books (Hong Kong)